
In our communciation within and around Nobia, we use financial ratios. Below we have compiled a list, where we explain the definitions used in our financial reporting.

Download the PDF-file for further descriptions and calculation of key figures

Return on shareholders' equity

Net profit for the period as a percentage of average shareholders' equity attributable to Parent Company shareholders based on opening and closing balances for the period. The calculation of average shareholders' equity has been adjusted for increases and decreases in capital.

Return on operating capital

Operating profit as a percentage of average operating capital based on opening and closing balances for the period excluding net assets attributable to discontinued operations. The calculation of average operating capital has been adjusted for acquisitions and divestments.

Gross margin

Gross profit as a percentage of net sales.


Earnings before depreciation/amortisation and impairment.

Net debt

Interest-bearing liabilities less interest-bearing assets. Interest-bearing liabilities include pension liabilities.

Operating capital

Capital employed excluding interest-bearing assets.

Operating cash flow

Cash flow from operating activities including cash flow from investing activities, excluding cash flow from acquisitions/divestments of operations, interest received and increase/decrease in interest-bearing assets.


A region comprises an operating segment in accordance with IFRS 8.

Earnings per share

Net profit for the period divided by a weighted average number of outstanding shares during the period.

Operating margin

Operating profit as a percentage of net sales.

Debt/equity ratio

Net debt as a percentage of shareholders' equity including non-controlling interests.

Equity/assets ratio

Shareholders' equity including non-controlling interests as a percentage of balance-sheet total. 

Capital employed

Balance-sheet total less non-interest-bearing provisions and liabilities.

Currency effects

"Translation effects" refers to the currency effects arising when foreign results and balance sheets are translated to SEK. "Transaction effects" refers to the currency effects arising when purchases or sales are made in currency other than the currency of the producing country (functional currency.