Nobia's Annual General Meeting 2006

The Annual General Meeting today established that a dividend of SEK 3.50 per share is to be paid for the 2005 financial year. The record date for dividends will be 3 April 2006 and the dividend is expected to be paid by VPC on 6 April 2006.
Election of Members of the Board
Members of the Board Fredrik Cappelen, Stefan Dahlbo, Bodil Eriksson, Hans Larsson, Wilhelm Laurén, Harald Mix, Thomas Nilsson and Ingrid Osmundsen were re-elected. Fredrik Palmstierna, Managing Director of SäkI, was newly elected.
Election of Chairman of the Board
The Meeting elected Hans Larsson Chairman of the Board.
Performance-related stock option programme
The Annual General Meeting voted to continue with the three-year stock option programme introduced in 2005. This means that in 2006 approximately 150 senior executives in the Nobia Group will be allotted, free of charge, a total of not more than 610,000 option programmes. The number of options that may be exercised will be determined by the average increase in earnings per share during the three-year period 2006-2008. Each stock option will carry entitlement to one Nobia share.
A detailed description of the stock option programme is presented on the company's website, where the resolution passed by the Annual General Meeting will also be reported.
Address by the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
The presentation made by Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Fredrik Cappelen at the Annual General Meeting can be viewed and heard on Nobia's website,
Nobia AB
For further information, please contact:
Hans Larsson, Chairman of the Board, telephone +46-8-679 92 04, mobile +46-70-592 92 55.