Nobia's 2007 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting today approved a dividend of SEK 6.00 per share for the fiscal year. The record date for the right to receive dividends is 3 April 2007 and payment through VPC is expected to take place on 10 April 2007.
Election of Board members
Board members Fredrik Cappelen, Stefan Dahlbo, Bodil Eriksson, Hans Larsson, Wilhelm Laurén, Harald Mix and Fredrik Palmstierna were re-elected. Lotta Stalin, President of Kuusakoski Sverige AB, and Thore Ohlsson, President of Elimexo AB, were elected as new Board members. Ingrid Osmundsen and Thomas Nilsson declined re-election.
Election of Chairman
The Meeting elected Hans Larsson as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Election of auditors
Accounting firm KPMG, with Helene Willberg as Auditor in Charge, was appointed the company's auditor.
Split and amendment to the Articles of Association in connection therewith
The Annual General Meeting decided on a split to the effect that every share be split into three shares. The date of execution of the share split with VPC AB shall be such day as presented separately and shall occur after registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. As a result of the share split, it was also decided that the Articles of Association be amended, implying that the limits for the maximum and minimum number of shares are amended to be not less than 135,000,000 and not more than 540,000,000.
Performance-related employee share option scheme
The Annual General Meeting decided to continue with the three-year employee share option scheme that was introduced in 2005. This means that for 2007, approximately 150 senior executives in the Nobia Group will be allotted a total of a maximum of 1,830,000 employee share options free of charge. The number of options that may be exercised is determined by the average increase in earnings per share over the three-year period 2007-2009. Each employee share option entitles subscription for one share in Nobia.
Authorisation regarding buy-back of treasury shares
The Annual General Meeting decided to authorise the Board of Directors to acquire and sell treasury shares during the period until the next Annual General Meeting on the basis of the conditions presented in more detail in the complete decision.
A detailed description of the split, the employee share option scheme and the authorisation regarding the buy-back of treasury shares and other decisions made at the AGM are available on the company's website in Swedish only.
Presentation by the President
The presentation given by President and CEO Fredrik Cappelen in Swedish at the Annual General Meeting is available for viewing at Nobia's website,
Nobia AB
29 March 2007
For further information, contact:
Hans Larsson, Chairman of the Board, telephone +46 8 679 92 04, mobile +46 70 592 92 55
Nobia är Europe's leading kitchen company. The Group works with strong brands in many European countries. Sales are generated mainly through specialised kitchen studios, both wholly owned and franchised, in addition to business-to-business customers such as construction companies and builders' merchants. The Group has approximately 8,000 employees and net sales of approximately
SEK 16 billion. Nobia is found in the Consumer Discretionary sector of the Large Cap segment of the Nordic List.