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Responsible sourcing

Our suppliers employ a lot of people around the world. The decisions we make can have a big impact on their lives and their communities. That’s why we strive to build relationships with best-in-class suppliers in the areas of sustainability. A sustainable supply chain and good relationships with our suppliers are crucial to our ability to offer attractive products to our customers.

Centralised sourcing

Centralised sourcing provides Nobia with the opportunity to apply a structured work method in terms of setting requirements, and monitoring and developing suppliers' work. Purchased materials and components are carefully specified and suppliers are risk assessed, inspected and evaluated in accordance with the company's guidelines on the environment, work environment, human rights and business ethics and quality. In our work we encourage good governance practices throughout our supply chain. The objective of Nobia's supply chain sustainability is to create, protect and grow long-term environmental, social and economic value for all stakeholders involved in bringing our products to the market. 

Due diligence for suppliers

Our due diligence clearly indicates that the supply chain is the part of the value chain that is of greatest relevance and focus for activities. Of our suppliers of direct material, 98% are from Europe and the remainder from Asia. Global supplier chains can involve labour-related risks, such as modern forced labour. Nobia works actively to prevent all forms of modern slavery and we report our work and results annually in accordance the so-called Modern Slavery Statement.

Our supply chains consist of continuously evolving markets and relationships. To navigate this complex terrain, we have a policy framework and processes to guide our ways of working and to help our suppliers improve their sustainability performance, thus supporting our ambition to promote business ethics, the respect for human rights and the environment. 

Anonymous whistleblower channel

We wish to promote accountability and responsibility throughout our supply chain. We therefore have a communication tool for reporting behaviors which infringe with our Supplier Code of Conduct.
We guarantee that your information will be treated as confidential information, that you will remain anonymous if you so wish and that your identity will not be disclosed.

Programme for responsible sourcing

Our programme for responsible sourcing covers risk analysis, review and evaluation and contains an anonymous channel for reporting violations of our Supplier Code of Conduct. Our Supplier Code of Conduct regulates and governs Nobia’s supplier requirements concerning working conditions, human rights, business ethics and environmental considerations. The programme covers approximately 300 suppliers, corresponding to 98 per cent of the total cost for direct materials. Based on factors such as country of production, production process, product type and materials, risk is weighed against preparedness and we assess the risk of violations of legal frameworks and Nobia’s Supplier Code of Conduct. The risk assessment is the basis for decisions on audits at the supplier. 

Physical supplier audits are intended to identify, manage and ameliorate any deviations and to identify areas for improvement. During the audits, we can highlight positive examples and significant improvement work. 

During the year, we further developed our programme to obtain more details on the degree of development and maturity of our suppliers. Greater insight into the sustainability ambitions and driving forces of our suppliers enables us to design a selection system that benefits companies with high ethical standards.

Environmental work in collaboration

In addition to preventive risk management, we work in continuous dialogue with our suppliers in order to reduce environmental impact in the supply chain. One example is setting scientific climate targets, while other examples are identifying data for Scope 3 and dialogue on fossil fuel dependence, circular solutions etc.